Anywhere, USA (State Trade Association)

Project Scenario E – 2 Day State Trade Association Show

A large state trade association contacts JWC to provide a morning forum for show attendees. The show will open at 10am each day (2-days), and the Client requests that JWC, provide an educational classroom seminar then Q&A, covering various industry topics, to be agreed upon by client and JWC.

The client agrees to cover all of JWC expenses, and swap a booth at the show for the retailer forum/education fees by JWC. The agreed topics for the Forum are: Expense Logic (Monday) and Managing Shrink (Tuesday) Client also requests that Joe-The-Grocer provide a 1-hr comedy speech, covering industry topics, retailer issues, and some of Joe-The-Grocers life experiences including officiating, coaching, and cancer battles.

  • Tea and Coffee Aisle
Project Parameters

Training Audience:    Various attendees
Joe-The Grocer:     PG Version
Attendees:    Approximate 40
Equipment/Audio/Mic:     Furnished
Educational Packets:     Approximate 50
Duration:     1-hr bit
Estimated Hours:     6
Estimated Attendees:     250-300

Slide Background

Joseph Welsh Consulting holds (2) 2-hr. educational seminars, during the state trade association show. These seminars include educational booklets, handouts, and open discussion between JWC and the attendees. Those attending were retailers, brokers, salesmen, and association staff.

On Monday, we covered Expense Logic-which included a set of ‘mock operating statements’, with many categories of discussion and Q&A…. such as: advertising distribution methods, depreciation and IRS Code Section 179 expensing, payroll management…among others. Tuesday’s session focused on Managing Shrink, which vaulted us into topics, such as: Internal theft, front-end manipulation, basic auditing techniques, and advertised item loss. There was robust and lively discussion and idea-sharing among those attending, and we all came from this seminar much improved.

Monday night, after the show closed for that day, the state trade association provided a wine tasting and sampling event, which was sponsored by local wineries and vendors. Joe-the-Grocer took the stage for a 1-hr industry related, motivational speech focusing on battling discounters, chain stores, and the survival of the Independent Grocer and Retailer. Speech was enjoyed by many, and during the comedic ‘shtick’, everyone laughed at least once.

Client Fees*: 2 Day State Trade Association Show

Consulting Fees:

Preparation work for project (1/2 day)                                                                                                1,180.00
Day 1 (Sunday)           Travel from El Paso, TX to Show location (1/2 day)                                   1,180.00
Day 2 (Monday)          Fees waived for booth swap-out                                                                            0.00
Day 2 (Monday)          Joe-The-Grocer 1-hr Speech, 2-hr prep.                                                            885.00
Day 3 (Tuesday)         Fees waived for booth swap-out                                                                            0.00
Travel Home                                                                                                                                                    0.00
Total Fees                                                                                                                                           $   3,245.00


Automobile charge (1224 x .75)                                                                                                               918.00
Hotel (La Quinta, 2 nights plus tax)                                                                                                          183.24
Meals (2 actual)                                                                                                                                             24.97
Supplies (Copies, Binders, Graphics, etc. for 50 each day)                                                                  625.00
Total Expenses                                                                                                                                  $     1,751.21

* Costs associated with this sample project are solely for demonstration purposes. Actual costs will vary by project. Please call for pricing, (915) 471-6155.